Greens - Increased Energy, Stamina & Vitality - Original (400g)

Availability: In stock (2)

GREENS Original is a carefully crafted, scientifically researched blend that Enerex has found is 2 to 3 times more nutrient-dense than other brands. It adds the powdered juices of organic kamut grass, barley grass and oat grass, with their disease-fighting enzymes and vitamins, alfalfa and spirulina for life-giving chlorophyll, soya lecithin for essential fats, apple pectin and brown rice bran for fibre, beet juice powder as a detoxifier, and dairy-free probiotics. The formula is boosted with nutrient-dense royal jelly and bee pollen for energy stimulation, acerola berry for vitamin C, Pacific kelp for iodine, and licorice root for its anti-inflammatory healers. These Superfoods together in one spoonful provide hundreds of nutrients your body requires daily to thrive.

Enerex GREENS Original is gluten free (third party tested to verify less than 20 parts per million gluten).

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